And now I present…

October 1, 2007 at 5:22 am | Posted in personal | Leave a comment!

(applause, applause, applause!)

(whisper, whisper, whisper!)

(applause, applause, applause!)

That’s right, I’ve got another damn website! But no worries, since is a replacement for this website.

Don’t get me wrong, WordPress has been nothing but good to me and I have been very fortunate so far. Nonetheless, it was time for this young blogger to move on and spread his wings. I’ve implemented my new site using the open source software Drupal. Right now it is just configured for basic blogging, but there are now endless possibilities. From forums, to user registrations, collaborative posting, and collaborative book-writing — you name it, Drupal can do it.

Today will be my double post, one post here at and another at

Please update your bookmarks, readers, favorites, etc. Tomorrow I will replace the main page on this site with a manual redirect (or just leave this post and remove sidebar stuff with re-direct information). I’m not sure whether I am going to leave all my posts here (I’ve duplicated everything except comments at both sites), but we’ll see.

In the meantime, you can expect my usual and regular posts yet again. I took a bit of a hiatus while I set up the new site and copied all the content over, well that and I had about a gazillion tests at school and am just now starting to catch up on homework, work, and personal stuff. Anyhow, I still have lots to say and not enough people to listen, so make sure you find my new home and tell all your friends.


ahem, did I mention my new site? Get your ass over there!

OK, why are you still reading? I mean, I know you don’t want to miss anything, but GET OUTTA HERE! I’ve moved to!

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